We all look forward to finding that one single person who completes us, and makes us feel alive and special. When we do find that significant other or better half, we make
grand gestures of love to them and we put in motion an attempt to seal the deal with
a marriage proposal. These are some of the most romantic proposals that we've found to
help you when it's time or just to give you a moment to go 'awww':
grand gestures of love to them and we put in motion an attempt to seal the deal with
a marriage proposal. These are some of the most romantic proposals that we've found to
help you when it's time or just to give you a moment to go 'awww':
1. Isaac's Live Lip-Dub Proposal:
When Isaac decided he wanted to marry Amy, he did it in the most theatrical way
possible and to the tune of Bruno Mars' 'Marry You'. He got all his friends and family
together to lip sync and dramatise the song on the road near his parents' house while
his girlfriend sat in the back of the car watching and listening to the song on
possible and to the tune of Bruno Mars' 'Marry You'. He got all his friends and family
together to lip sync and dramatise the song on the road near his parents' house while
his girlfriend sat in the back of the car watching and listening to the song on
2. Tim's Meme Proposal:
Timothy Tiah Ewe Tiam who shared a love of the internets with his girlfriend Audrey
Ooi Feng Ling proposed to her with a slideshow of memes. He surprised her at a
coffee shop while she was with her friends and began his print slideshow of internet
memes leading upto a proposal. Now that's what we call, 'like a boss'
Ooi Feng Ling proposed to her with a slideshow of memes. He surprised her at a
coffee shop while she was with her friends and began his print slideshow of internet
memes leading upto a proposal. Now that's what we call, 'like a boss'
3. Jim's Illustration Proposal:
Jim's proposal to Julie completely tugs at your heart strings. He created a website with
beatifully drawn illustrations of their lives together which concluded with him reaching
the pinnacle of his happiness meter at their wedding. There is also a video of her
reaction to reading the website.
beatifully drawn illustrations of their lives together which concluded with him reaching
the pinnacle of his happiness meter at their wedding. There is also a video of her
reaction to reading the website.

For the whole, proposal go to http://juliewillyoumarry.me/
4. Redditor's Potter Proposal:
When Redditor proposed to his girlfriend it was a combination of two things she loved
- Harry Potter and himself. For his Harry Potter enthusiast girlfriend, he purchased two
copies of 'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince'. In one, he used a knife to carve out
room for an engagement ring and the other he gifted to her.
- Harry Potter and himself. For his Harry Potter enthusiast girlfriend, he purchased two
copies of 'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince'. In one, he used a knife to carve out
room for an engagement ring and the other he gifted to her.

5. Star Trek Proposal:
You just don't say no to Jean-Luc Picard, captain of the USS Enterprise in the TV series
'Start Trek: The Next Generation', when he says 'Engage'. This is perfect for the die-
hard Star Trek couple and the pun on 'Engage' is a nice touch.
'Start Trek: The Next Generation', when he says 'Engage'. This is perfect for the die-
hard Star Trek couple and the pun on 'Engage' is a nice touch.

6. Silvas' Super Mario Proposal:
We've all played Super Mario as kids and gotten lost in the game but for April it became a reality when Silvas proposed to her. She even had a question block which she had to pop, like literally 'popping the question', and from it sprung an engagement ring.

7. Greg's Twitter Proposal:
Greg asking his girlfriend Stephanie to marry him on the social media, the first-known twitter proposal. She accepted his offer with a reply to his tweet and sealed the geeky deal.

8. Jason's Beach-y Proposal:
A mutual love of the sea drove Jason to propose to his girlfriend Kelly with an art art engraved into the sand at Ocean Beach, California.The pattern contained in it the concealed words "Will you marry me Kelly?". The art was created by artist Andres Amador who was employed by Jason. The proposal followed a tour, dinner and party with friends.

9. Dave's Accelerator Proposal:
The most nerdiest proposal yet, Dave took his girlfriend Kendra to the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider of the Brookhaven National Laboratory to check out a strange crystal that was reported to be found in the collider. Inside the particle accelerator, Kendra did indeed find a crystal - a diamond engagement ring.
10. Matt's Movie Theater Proposal:
Our second theatrical performance was literally aired at a theatre. Matt lured his girlfriend, Ginny, to the local theatre where she saw a movie trailer of Matt asking her dad permission to marry her and then running to the theatre to present the ring. Filmmaker Michael Escobar was hired to do the trailer.
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