As birthday presents go, this one is pretty awesome. But then again, when you’re a Russian billionaire and you’re dating Naomi Campbell, then you probably should be pulling out all the stops for a 41st birthday.
Vladislav Doronin seems to have done just that with this completely self-sustaining (and gorgeous) vacation home designed by Spanish Architect Luis de Garrido. Garrido specializes in sustainable building. He designed the home, called House Horus because it looks like an Egyptian Horus Eye when seen from above, to be completely energy, water and food self-sufficient. So, not only is it a stunning vacation home, House Horus is also a bit of a survivalist bunker… though it must be one of the prettier ones ever built.
The dome-shaped house has 25 bedrooms and 5 lounges.
A representative of the architect’s firm told CNBC that House Horus is, “not an expensive house, compared with the level of this kind of house. That is, we can demonstrate that a completely sustainable building [might] be really inexpensive, and also that a self-sufficient building could be obtained by a not too much additional cost (due to a well-studied bioclimatic design).”
House Horus is on the Turkish resort island, Sedir Island. It has been a destination for the rich and famous since ancient Roman times… which is how it earned the nickname “Cleopatra Island.” Legend says that the extraordinarily fine sand on Sedir’s beaches was imported from Egypt by Anthony for his lover, Cleopatra

Vladislav Doronin seems to have done just that with this completely self-sustaining (and gorgeous) vacation home designed by Spanish Architect Luis de Garrido. Garrido specializes in sustainable building. He designed the home, called House Horus because it looks like an Egyptian Horus Eye when seen from above, to be completely energy, water and food self-sufficient. So, not only is it a stunning vacation home, House Horus is also a bit of a survivalist bunker… though it must be one of the prettier ones ever built.
The dome-shaped house has 25 bedrooms and 5 lounges.
A representative of the architect’s firm told CNBC that House Horus is, “not an expensive house, compared with the level of this kind of house. That is, we can demonstrate that a completely sustainable building [might] be really inexpensive, and also that a self-sufficient building could be obtained by a not too much additional cost (due to a well-studied bioclimatic design).”
House Horus is on the Turkish resort island, Sedir Island. It has been a destination for the rich and famous since ancient Roman times… which is how it earned the nickname “Cleopatra Island.” Legend says that the extraordinarily fine sand on Sedir’s beaches was imported from Egypt by Anthony for his lover, Cleopatra

“…the glass dome-shaped house was designed by architect Luis de Garrido, and “is completely energy and water self-sufficient and features an amazing indoor landscaped terrace.”The architect reportedly had an unlimited budget, creating a home that boasts green features such as geothermal heating, photovoltaic panels, and a rainwater harvesting system.
It is also shaped like the eye of ancient Egyptian deity, Horus.”
Must be nice…
Check out photos of the home below:

He just took ballin’ to a whole new level…
What do you expect? However incredible, he's a Russian billionaire for crying out loud. They hardly have what to do with their money. See his country man 'movich- playing PS2 with an EPL club