Wednesday, 16 March 2016

15 Search Engines apart from Google For Better Search Results

"Google it" may have become part of the english vocabulary, to mean searching the internet. But do you know that the rate at which your search is being monitored my dampen the integrity of your privacy.
As the web has gotten bigger, the internet search engines too have evolved themselves to cater to various needs of the users. With 63.9 percent market share (as reported by comScore in October 2015), Google still reigns supreme in the market of search engines.


Some say being productive is over-rated! After a lot of work, at times one needs to relax. Here are 100 websites which you could visit to cool off.
Most are great for a good laugh, with a few great resources for gaming and educational content thrown into the mix. I invite you to relax, unwind and dig in for this huge resource for awesomeness.
Please note:
  1. You can sort each column to organize the list alphabetically or by category.
  2. If you feel that I missed any other awesome websites, Please let me know! It may not have made the cut simply because I didn’t know it existed.
  3. We will not take responsibility for late homework, assignments, sleep deprivation, missed qoutas or deadlines. The reader assumes all responsibility by proceeding.