Friday, 14 March 2014

Did you know that Stairs Can Be This Beautiful?

Stairs seem like just a tool to most people. Their job is to get you from one point to another. But to certain artists that think outside the box, stairs can be a unique canvas on which to create unique and stunning art. In addition, stairs themselves can be a thing of  beauty, as they climb mountains, go over bridges, span incredible landscape or built in a magnificent way. Here are some of what I consider the most dazzling staircases the world has to offer.
San Francisco’s Tiled Steps, USA
beautiful stairs

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Photos That Completely Shook The World

These are images that made the world weep together. Photos that carry a deep sentimental value and are utterly touching. You will cry at the end trust me.
1. A vulture waits for the malnourished child to die (1992)
1. A vulture waits for the malnourished child to die (1992)
This photograph created quite a stir on the humaneness of photographing community. The photographer commited suicide despite being awarded for this photo.

A completely renovated first apartment

Got this through the internet, found it awesome

"I'm 27 years old and live in Tel Aviv Israel, currently an industrial design student. Me and my girlfriend just bought our first apartment and decided to design it completely by ourselves." Now before I continue I have got to show you a few of the before photos.